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The UK economy, having been stagnant for the last two years, is finally showing green shoots of recovery with stronger-than-expected economic growth at the start of 2024 – tracking a clear route to recovery1.

While there is cause for optimism, it is still early days and employee retention, and productivity concerns linger on. Indeed, when you look at the current employment landscape, it doesn’t make for the most positive of pictures.  

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Over half (52%) of all working parents in the UK have no form of financial protection policy in place should they have to take time off work to care for their child if they were unwell or had an accident, according to new research from protection and employee benefits provider, MetLife UK.

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MetLife UK has made a £72,000 donation to nationwide childhood bereavement charity, Winston’s Wish, which supports bereaved children and young people along with their families and the people who care for them.

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Two in five (40%) UK employees would choose a job that offers a lower salary, but generous employee benefits (i.e. income protection, death in service, hybrid working), according to new research from protection and employee benefits provider, MetLife UK.

When looking at financial benefits of a potential new job, 37% said financial bonuses are important to them while 35% of UK employees would like generous pension contributions. Financial protection also known as income Protection (a policy that ensures employees receive part or all of their salary should they have to take time off work due to an accident or illness leaving them unable to work) was also a top priority for a third (33%) and private healthcare and dental care were ranked as important by 26%.

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The start of a new year brings with it a multitude of different feelings. Some may feel revitalised to return to work, kicking off new projects and goal setting for the months ahead. Others may feel less motivated, with the colder winter months doing little to help boost moods.

Find out why Blue Monday might be overshadowing a bigger issue.

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More than two in five (45%) of those who recently planned a funeral said they were stressed when it came to the cost, according to the latest research from chapter two of MetLife UK’s The Last Word: Tackling the death and funeral planning taboo report. Almost a fifth (18%) said they were extremely stressed.

Read more here.

An estimated 74% of UK adults feel so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope and the most common cause of stress is work-related. With daily commitments and a need to constantly balance home life and work, the strain caused can lead to a significant impact on mental and physical health.

With sick days at work hitting the highest level for 10 years and mental illness being a main cause, employers must be equipped with the right policies and benefits to support their employees.

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As the summer holiday season starts to wind down, and September work and personal plans ramp up, it’s important for employers to be aware of how the shift can impact their employees and how best to support them in and out of the workplace. 

Adrian Matthews, Head of Employee Benefits at MetLife UK shares his three top tips for support all employees after the peak summer period.

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Feelings of loneliness, social or workplace anxiety and isolation are all serious issues affecting health and wellbeing. Whilst many people may experience loneliness from time to time, if left untreated or unresolved and without proper support, it can manifest itself over time creating increased extreme stress and mental and physical health issues for some. It’s undeniable, feeling lonely can impact people’s daily lives regardless of whether they’re at home or in the office. Having a support network in place can be a key mechanism to helping them cope to minimise the impact.

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Stress Awareness Month, held every April, is globally recognised as a time for healthcare professionals, charities and employers of all sizes to help increase public awareness about both the causes and treatments of stress symptoms – be it anxiety, depression, or low moods. 

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Everyone’s experience of grief is different, but for many it is a painful and upsetting process that takes time to come to terms with. It can have a knock-on effect into every aspect of an individual’s lifestyle, including their work. In fact, over 50% of people say they would leave their job if they were offered no bereavement support. That’s why it’s incredibly important for employers to support their employees so they feel able to reach out to those around them, understand the support in place and have honest and open discussions that help the grief process.

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This year’s theme of ‘Embracing Equity’ is an important one and one that should sit high on the corporate agenda for employers of all sizes. 

A workplace can mean different things to different people, however they have the following in common: the opportunity to challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to bias, and seek out inclusion with the goal of making all workplaces a place to provide everyone with what they need to succeed. And organisations can play a huge role in helping employees to understand that this is an ongoing golden thread that should be woven into the fabric of a workplace – going far beyond just saying it, but it being understood and ultimately embraced at every level of an organisation.

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MetLife Foundation announced today a two-year partnership with Inspiring Girls International, aimed at empowering women of the future by building confidence in young girls and breaking down gender stereotypes in underserved communities, through a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers.

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MetLife UK, a leading insurance provider, today announces it is extending access to its virtual GP service to all Individual Protection policyholders at no extra cost.  The service, provided by digital-first health company HealthHero, offers on-demand medical expertise, reassurance and support to customers and their families.

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Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 runs from Monday 6th February to 12th February 2023. It’s an annual initiative by children’s mental health charity Place2Be, aiming to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health.

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January represents a fresh start and, while Blue Monday may be traditionally known as the most depressing day in the year, employers have an opportunity to change this by prioritising the communication of staff benefits in the workplace. Many employees will feel refreshed after the festive break, and with clear goals to achieve both personally and professionally it’s a great foundation for employers to build on. Simply creating a 2023 calendar to include frequent reminders on the support tools they have available to them and key awareness milestones throughout the year can go a long way in driving awareness and usage amongst employees.

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The start of a New Year always brings the promise of opportunity, and, despite the obvious pressures we face, across the protection industry I see plenty! None of them without challenge, but I genuinely believe with the right product design and a keen customer focus, we can rise to the challenge of supporting our policy holders.

Part of our commitment as a provider in this market, is spending more time with customers to better understand exactly where pressure points exist. Then we can tailor our protection products and service offerings to best support their specific needs. In other words, stepping up to play our part in the new FCA Consumer Duty regime to deliver good customer outcomes – raising the bar to ensure high value for customers.

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The first working Monday of the year after the Christmas break, Divorce Day, is traditionally when lawyers see their biggest surge in divorce enquiries. Whilst they increase at this time of year, the sad fact is that divorces do occur all year round. Employers therefore need to ensure they have adequate support available all year round to help make things easier when needed. Divorces are not only stressful – both emotionally and financially, but can also take many months to complete, meaning it can take quite a toll on those involved for an indefinite period of time.

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MetLife today announces a new strategic partnership with international funeral planning and concierge service firm Everest. As part of this initial three-year exclusive arrangement, MetLife will offer funeral support services to more than 1.4 million UK employees, via its Group Life insurance arrangements.

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As the rising cost of living crisis continues to impact people’s finances, UK adults say they worry about their current financial situation, according to new research from MetLife UK. Concerningly, financial worries are having an effect both on individuals own and their loved ones’ mental health.

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Resignation rates remain high with many root causes for why women may be leaving their employer or workforce altogether creating an opportunity for employers to help extend women’s careers and retain a wealth of knowledge and experience.
One of those factors is the menopause taboo, where one in ten women say they haven’t talked to anyone about experiencing perimenopause or menopause.

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As the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite, more than one in five (23%) Brits have felt in the past, or would feel, worried about their finances if they were too ill to go to work and had to call in sick, according to findings from MetLife UK, with women particularly impacted by financial worries.

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More than eight million UK adults have already had to give up or cancel certain outgoings in order to counter the rising cost of living, according to new research from MetLife UK. A further 57% of Brits say that while they haven’t had to make difficult choices and cut back their outgoings yet, they suspect they will need to do so in the future.

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We are continually striving to meet the changing needs of our customers. Over the course of the pandemic, the relationship between employee and employer has changed. Now, many employers are looking at ways to enhance their employee benefits to provide greater choice and flexibility for their employees.

Considering these changes, MetLife is enhancing its Group Income Protection proposition by providing a lump sum option for new and existing Group Income Protection schemes.

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More than 10 million* workers in the UK have called in sick as a result of feeling burnt out, according to new findings from MetLife UK. As a result, burnout could be costing UK businesses more than £700m a year as more than two in five (44%) admit to calling in sick due to feeling exhausted, stressed, depressed, overwhelmed and unmotivated.

For employers, these figures indicate that more than 80 million hours are being lost as a result of burnout alone. Having to make arrangements to cover staff calling in sick can cause additional pressure on employees that are having to pick up colleagues workloads in their absence. This can increase the risk of these employees also experiencing feelings of stress and exhaustion, leaving them vulnerable to needing extended time off from work. Workers that call in sick did admit to feeling guilty about doing so with 32% of workers worrying about their colleagues having to pick up extra work on their behalf, simply adding to their feeling of overwhelm

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Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife UK comments: “If staff are calling in sick to avoid work this could point to a larger problem. Avoiding work could be a sign of stress, burnout or disengagement with their role, all worrying signs from an employer’s perspective and all negatively impact a sense of wellbeing.

“Mondays are the most common day to call in sick, but more than half of workers state they don’t have a pre-determined day to call in sick so it can be difficult for managers to plan additional capacity to support. In the short term the implications may be negligible, but there could be a knock-on effect to colleagues as they become overstretched picking up others workloads at short notice. It is critical for managers to understand the root causes of calling in sick, whether it’s a genuine medical reason or down to disengagement with the job. In either case, positive steps can be taken to minimise absenteeism.  

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New claims data from MetLife UK revealed sports was found to be the biggest cause of broken bones in children, with one in four children breaking a bone (25%), followed by falls outside of the home in parks (21%), falls at school (15%) and falls at home (13%). The rise in these injuries can in part be attributed to the easing of lockdown restrictions and many children returning to sports, social activities, and school.  MetLife UK paid out 262 claims for child broken bones injuries in Q4 2021 on its MultiProtect product.

Looking at the year in full, MetLife UK recorded 16,652 Accident & Health claims, an 11% increase on the previous year.  The overall rise in claims paid out is also largely as a result of the easing of lockdown restrictions and increased hospitalisations over the year due to illnesses.

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Leading insurer MetLife UK and tech-driven insurance company, YuLife, have announced an exciting new partnership which sees MetLife become an underwriter for YuLife’s Group Life cover policies. The partnership reflects the two companies’ aligned values and shared interest in improving the ongoing value of life insurance policies for customers.

Leading global insurance provider, MetLife brings a long history of underwriting expertise and service excellence, while YuLife brings a highly innovative solution that harnesses the power of gamification with the latest behavioural science. Together, it creates a unique Group Life proposition.

The new partnership will see YuLife continuing to own its’ customer relationships and propositional offering, whilst MetLife will be the underlying risk carrier and claims administration provider.

Read the full press release here.

Accident Protection insurance is designed to provide financial support in the event of an accident which leads to serious injury or death. There are countless insurance companies offering different packages with varying inclusions and exclusions. So, how do you make sense of it all?

Rich Horner, Head of Individual Protection at MetLife commented “if the last year has shown us anything, it’s that the unexpected can happen. Too frequently Advisers hear the phrase ‘it won’t happen to me’. Unfortunately, life deals unexpected turns and a bad situation can be made so much worse when the family are financially impacted too.

Accident and health protection plays a key role in the protection portfolio. It covers a range of injuries from broken bones to those that could have a significant impact on their lifestyle. It can be tailored to meet the needs of individuals and families by providing financial support in the short term to protect your clients’ day-to-day. Cover is simple, effective and affordable and is a great addition to sit alongside existing long-term protection such as Life and Critical Illness cover.”

You can read the full article here.

Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife UK, comments: “Mental health is a subject that touches all of our lives and 2020 while challenging has led to a more open conversation about mental health to begin. From anxiety about returning to the office and taking the train to work again, to financial insecurities following a pay cut or time spent furloughed, many worries are likely to remain in the coming months.

“Indeed, as society opens up and we look ahead to a more sociable summer, it’s important to remember that people’s feelings towards lockdown and the future may be very different. While some are happy to be out and about again others may have enjoyed the security of spending more time at home.

“Stress doesn’t clock off at 5, it can carry over into our evenings and weekends, but employers have a key role to play in supporting staff. From small steps such as encouraging open channels of communication, watching for employee burnout and allowing employees to go at their own pace to reviewing current employee benefits policies and training mental health first aiders, businesses should ensure they are doing all they can to support staff both professionally and personally.”

  • Homeowners admit it takes a drastic change in circumstances, including falling ill or a change in employment status, before they would consider financial protection
  • Yet, one in seven regret not having previously taken out cover such as a mortgage protection policy
  • This comes as a third (34%) confirmed they’ve had to take four weeks or more off work due to having an accident, falling sick or to care for a loved one 

Existing and aspiring homeowners admit it takes a radical change in circumstances before they’d consider purchasing a financial protection product, according to new research from MetLife UK. Mortgage holders confirmed that it would take falling ill (31%), a change in employment status (25%) or having an accident (24%) before they’d consider purchasing protection to support with their mortgage repayments should they be unable to work due to having an accident or falling unwell. Yet, by the time homeowners consider the protection policy, it could be too late, as new policies don’t typically offer backdated coverage.

Lifestyle events such as having children (16%) and getting married (6%) can trigger the need to review protection, but overwhelmingly it is an unexpected change in circumstance which would encourage people to consider purchasing a protection product. This includes:

  • Illness – 31%
  • Change of job/employment status - 25%
  • Accident - 24%
  • Age - 19%
  • Reduced pay - 18%
  • Loss of a loved one - 16%
  • Covid-19 - 16%
  • Debt - 14%

The research, which examines consumer views of the housing market, along with experiences of purchasing a property - found that one in seven (14%) admit they regretted not taking out a protection policy which would have supported them with their mortgage repayments in the past. This is likely due to a third (34%) of respondents having to take four weeks or more off work due to accident or illness.

Despite this, a worrying number (22%) of mortgagors say that no circumstance would make them consider purchasing a protection product. Not believing it’ll be needed (28%), the cost of the policy (25%) and not being able to afford it (22%) are the main reasons preventing people from financially protecting themselves. Other reasons include, not being offered it (12%) and not knowing such protection policies even existed (11%).

After an uncertain year which has accelerated the value of protection amongst consumers, this could lead to a rise in people looking to financially protect themselves in the future. The research found that a quarter of homeowners (23%) intend on purchasing life insurance, while 17% will take out mortgage protection cover, 15% critical illness cover and 16% will purchase an income protection product covering accident, illness and unemployment.

For those who have already financially protected themselves, almost half (46%) say they wanted the peace or mind, while almost the same number (45%) said they wanted to be prepared should the worst happen, while well over a third (35%) said it was recommended by their mortgage broker, adviser and/or the bank.

Rich Horner, Head of Individual Protection at MetLife, comments: “After such an uncertain year, it’s made the realisation of falling ill or a change in employment a reality for so many. We’re all guilty of thinking that ‘it’ll never happen to me’, but really, the worst-case scenario could happen to anyone. It’s quite frequently the case that it’s once a person has experienced a change in circumstance that they consider protection, but by that point it could be too late. Although protection would cover you in the future, a new policy wouldn’t cover previous experiences. And with one in seven regretting not having financial protection in place, it’s vital that current and aspiring homeowners are fully aware of what policies are out there. And importantly, the policy most suited to their needs.”

MetLife has launched a new simplified income protection policy. MortgageSafe is a unique policy which offers homeowners, old and new, reassurance by providing a monthly benefit that covers mortgage repayments if the policyholder is unable to work for four weeks or more due to accident or illness. This new protection offering, available via intermediaries, covers some or all of the monthly mortgage repayments - up to a maximum of £1,500 per month – for up to 12 or 24 months. Policyholders can choose from the three levels of cover best suited to their lifestyle, health and the cost of the mortgage repayment.

Policyholders can also choose to add Optional Child Cover onto their policy for an additional £3 per month. This added layer of protection supports families with any unexpected financial burdens as a result of a child being unwell, removing some of the concerns for parents who may need to take time off work to care for their child.

Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife, shares her thoughts to mark International Women’s Day: “International Women’s Day remains as relevant now as it was over 100 years ago. Even before the pandemic began, reports from the World Economic Forum suggested it would take 99 years for the gender gap to close. While the pandemic has been hard on us all, women, particularly working mothers, have taken on a greater number of the responsibilities in the home. As well as having to juggle home schooling, women also find themselves most likely to be in the sectors that have been hardest hit by the pandemic such as hospitality and social care, leaving them at a financial and professional disadvantage to men.  

“The past year has been difficult for businesses and employees, but it has provided the opportunity to re-evaluate the way we work and understand how we work best. Some parents may have found it easier to work from home with their children, while others may be looking forward to returning to the office and re-establishing a clear boundary between work and home. It is an employer’s responsibility to support women within the workplace and find solutions that help and empower women to perform at their best. 

“The hiatus of gender pay gap reporting for the past two years will also have an impact on how we look back on this period. While businesses may not have to report outwardly on their gender or diversity pay gaps right now, progress should not simply be paused. The shift in expectations and values that has taken place as a result of the pandemic between employers and employers is a great opportunity for organisations to open the conversation and invite employees to talk about what  could be improved and help to find solutions.” 

The announcement of the “Government Guarantee” in yesterday’s budget has been warmly received by the industry and praised as a positive step for potential homeowners.

Rich Horner, head of individual protection at MetLife, said: “The Chancellor’s announcements yesterday have thrown the property market a lifeline. What’s clear from the past seven months is that the stamp duty holiday has single-handedly underpinned current levels of activity. Our research found that 47% of those who have recently moved into a new property did so to make the most of the stamp duty holiday.

“Extending this incentive offers buyers more time to complete sales and will ensure that activity doesn’t grind to a halt as it did a year ago.

The “government guarantee” on mortgages, with a deposit of 5% is also a hugely positive step for first time buyers and it is encouraging to see some big lenders already backing the scheme. The government wants to help ‘Generation Rent’ become ‘Generation Buy’ but 5% mortgages must be combined with a renewed house build commitment to make this dream a reality”.

Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife, comments: “As many of us continue to work from home, it doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day in its entirety. Today is a good reminder to appreciate the little things, celebrate the small wins and nurture the wellbeing of those around us. It’s important to not let the constraints of working from home stop us from making a positive impact.

“A supportive workplace is essential. Happy employees are more engaged, creative, and open to making constructive suggestions that can help the business prosper. It’s important to regularly check in with colleagues and employees, particularly during the pandemic, as not everyone will be vocal about the challenges they are facing. Use today as a reason to make the first move.”

Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife shares five tips on how you can show your workforce that you’re there for them while all working from home.

  • Check-in on your co-workers, even if it’s to say a quick hello over video chat: Everyone’s home life is different, and someone people in your organisation might experience extended periods where they haven’t spoken to anyone. Frequent communication can be a great help, and an open workplace culture leads to higher productivity as people tend to feel supported. 
  • Let those around you know how much you appreciate them: In the isolation of home working, sometimes we might forget to tell those around us what a great job they are doing. Send a quick message to an employee or co-worker and let them know that you appreciate their efforts.
  • Employers should make mental health a priority: Introduce ‘no meeting zones’ or regular break times. In the new world of Zoom, Skype and Teams, it’s easy to feel constantly in demand. Meeting after meeting, never switching off can really take its toll. Blocking out an hour over lunch – a no meeting zone – can be hugely beneficial, it gives staff a break away from their work and chance to go outside, so that come the afternoon they are more refreshed.
  • Start a charity collection: Many local charities have been affected by the pandemic as they have seen a decrease in donations. Start a company charity fundraiser from your respective homes, an open mic night over Zoom, a quiz or even a bake off are great ways to have fun and raise money for a good cause.
  • Send out gifts to people in your organisation: They don’t have to be expensive or big, just a small token to say that you are thinking of them. A small gift, or even an online card, is especially thoughtful if someone is experiencing a milestone like a birthday or work anniversary from home.

Bethan Dacey, senior client relationship manager and mental health ambassador, MetLife UK

January can be a difficult month. The Christmas lights have been taken down, the days are short and money is tight. But this year, we have additional challenges to contend with as many of us head back to work at our kitchen tables.

The third Monday of January has been labelled "Blue Monday", or the most depressing day of the year. But it can serve as a useful reminder to employers of the increased importance of offering holistic support for their workforce.

Mental health support in demand

2020 saw the global mental health crisis worsen, with support services across the world struggling to meet rising demand. In 2019/20 an estimated 828,000 workers were affected by work-related stress, depression or anxiety across the UK, resulting in an estimated 17.9 million working days lost.

Mental health issues have also become a top cause of presenteeism, where employees are physically present at work, but are unable to perform at their best due to ill health. MetLife UK research finds that 41% of employees believe that their mental health has impacted their productivity levels.

Wellbeing has been steadily rising up the corporate agenda, but the events of last year shone a spotlight on the importance of having a comprehensive support system in place. MetLife UK research revealed a shift in employees’ priorities, from tangible financial support to more holistic care. However, despite mental health support rising up employees’ list of priorities, from 14th position pre-Covid to 5th position post-Covid, many employers are still underestimating its importance.

Nurturing a culture of wellbeing in 2021

In times of high stress or change, self-care often falls by the wayside. Last year saw many companies incorporate mental health practices, such as mindfulness training and yoga sessions, into their working week to engage workers in maintaining their wellbeing, happiness and productivity. MetLife UK data shows that 65% of employees are now more aware of the link between their physical and mental health.

After experiencing first-hand the impact that a strong wellness programme can have, these practices are likely to become part of business as usual moving forwards. This will not only develop a stronger culture with a focus on care and value, but also maintain balanced minds for clear and considered decision making throughout business operations.

Although we are now beginning to address mental health issues more openly, this topic can still be considered a taboo topic in the workplace. If employees don't feel they can speak out about any problems they are facing, employers will not know how best to support them.

Company-wide mental health training can enable staff to help one another and themselves. Business leaders should endeavor to make the process of finding someone to talk to as easy as possible for employees. In addition to training managers to handle these issues with empathy, by training a team of mental health first aiders, companies can ensure that there is always someone on hand to listen and offer guidance.

Supporting the hybrid workforce

Companies should review the services they have in place to ensure that they are aligned with hybrid working. Making sure advice hotlines and counselling sessions can be accessed remotely will be important. MetLife UK’s Wellbeing Hub offers expert advice, 24 hours a day, on a range of topics, supporting employees financial, physical and mental health.

With teams dispersed, proactive care is equally important to identify any emerging issues early and put the right support frameworks in place. In partnership with Health Claims Bureau (HCB), MetLife are offering a new complimentary service - ‘Connected at Home’ - to provide one-on-one support to help employees adjust to a new way of working.

By doing all they can to support a healthy and happy workforce, employers can help to reduce absences and boost morale. This Monday doesn’t have to be blue. Let’s use this date as an opportunity to bring employees together and start important conversations about mental health.

MetLife has launched a new simplified income protection policy. MortgageSafe is a unique policy which offers homeowners, old and new, reassurance by providing a monthly benefit that covers mortgage repayments in the event that the policyholder is unable to work due to accident or illness.

This new protection offering, currently available via a select panel of intermediaries, covers some or all of the monthly mortgage repayments - up to a maximum of £1,500 per month – for up to 12 or 24 months. Policyholders can choose from the three levels of cover best suited to their lifestyle, health and the cost of the mortgage repayment.

There is no medical underwriting for policyholders looking for accident-only cover. For those wanting to protect against both accident and illness, MortgageSafe uses a simplified underwriting process formed of five simple health questions. Applications do not require GP reports, income or financial underwriting or family history.

Claims are also straightforward. If the individual is unable to work for at least four weeks they can claim benefit paid back to day one. This makes it easy to understand how much they’ll receive, removing financial worries, so they can focus on getting well. Plus, payments can also be made to the lender directly if preferred.

While unlocking the door to a new home is exciting, it does come with additional worries of the ‘what if?’. At a time when many have so much to be worried about from job security, to health and wellbeing, the additional worry around making monthly mortgage repayments after an accident or illness, need not be there with the right protection in place. Particularly for those with limited to no protection in place, for example self-employed.

MortgageSafe will offer homeowners the peace of mind that should the ‘what if’ happen, they can be safe in the knowledge that their mortgage repayments will be covered, giving them the breathing space to consider their next step. Self-employed workers who traditionally don’t get sick pay, as well as first-time buyers, may be particularly attracted to the new policy. No one should have to worry about being financially worse off when they are trying to get better. Having the right protection in place means they can focus on what really matters during that time, their health.

Rich Horner, Head of Individual Protection at MetLife, comments: “Despite a challenging year for most, 2020 saw many people finally climbing a rung on the housing ladder. The stamp duty holiday announced by the Chancellor allowed many to accelerate their dream of buying their first home or moving into a new one. And in the midst of a third national lockdown, it’s unclear whether or not the payment holidays will be extended beyond 31st March 2021.

Achieving the right level of protection is different for everyone and cover should be provided based on current needs. There simply isn’t a one size fits all approach, which is why financial advisers are so invaluable. We believe MortgageSafe fits a great customer need and slots in alongside other protection policies to piece together the ‘protection puzzle’.

Bringing this simple, easy to understand proposition to market increases the options available to customers, gives advisers more opportunities and we believe will help further growth in the income protection market.”

Policyholders can also choose to add Optional Child Cover onto their policy for an additional £3 per month. This added layer of protection supports families with any unexpected financial burdens as a result of a child being unwell, removing some of the concerns for parents who may need to take time off work to care for their child.

MortgageSafe is currently available through a select panel of intermediaries ahead of a wider launch later this year.

MortgageSafe offers 3 levels of cover to choose depending on the individual’s needs.


  • Accident-only cover
  • 4 week waiting period
  • 12-month benefit payment period
  • No health questions asked


  • Accident & illness cover
  • 4 week waiting period
  • 12-month benefit payment period
  • Health questions asked


  • Accident & illness cover
  • 4 week waiting period
  • 24-month benefit payment period
  • Health questions asked


The first week of January is always a struggle; getting back to work and into a routine. Stuffed full of festive treats and feeling sluggish nobody wants to hear their morning alarm go off when it’s cold and miserable outside. And this January is set to feel even trickier for workers with many still contending with local lockdowns and working from home remaining the norm.

As we head into 2021, we say goodbye to a year that has significantly changed the way we work. While businesses and employees across the country have adapted well, it’s fair to say there have been challenges along the way - from home working to adapting to an increasingly digital living and working space. As these trends look set to continue, and perhaps become the norm it’s important employers consider how best to support employees so they can fly into 2021.

With this in mind, Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife, shares her top tips.

  • Start the year with a bang – Why not keep some of the festive spirit going by engaging with employees and hosting workplace virtual events – whether that’s a simple team tea break, a quiz, fun training or a general weekly chat. With the December calendar full of workplace fun events, it can be difficult kickstarting January without any festivities on the horizon.
  • Stay sympathetic - It’s been a difficult time for workers. Job security, pay-cuts, working from home has taken its toll. For some, they might be returning to work after being on furlough. By staying aware of what employees are struggling with, employers can spot who needs help and how to provide it. And understanding that some employees might be feeling anxious, concerned or unhappy can go a long way to helping them through.
  • Create an environment where people can speak up – If employees feel safe and able to share any mental health challenges, employers will be able to identify the risks and devise strategies to better manage issues. Businesses need to learn how to start conversations and reduce the stigma around mental ill health at what can be a very overwhelming and lonely time of year.
  • Support their overall well-being - Traditional benefits – such as retirement, medical, and dental insurance – provide a safety net for employees. But as the world changes and new ways of working accelerates, this is altering what employees want from their employers. A more holistic approach to benefits that supports employees is emerging. Employers who support employees in and out of the workplace can help ensure both will thrive today and, in the years, to come.
  • Keep your employees motivated – Set new targets for teams, and perhaps encourage a bit of friendly competition across the office airwaves.  Helping to communicate about the future and introducing any new business benefits or incentives and generally including employees can go a long way to getting your employees excited about being back.

MetLife is focused on ensuring that we provide solutions and outcomes for the evolving needs of our customers and distribution partners in the United Kingdom (UK). Since the referendum result on the UK exiting the European Union (EU), we have been working with our regulators and planning to ensure that we continue to do just that.

MetLife operates in the UK through the company MetLife Europe d.a.c., which is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin that has provided financial products into the UK through its UK branch under EU passporting rights. The EU passporting regime will end on 31 December 2020 and will be replaced by the Temporary Permissions Regime (TPR) which will allow firms like MetLife to continue operating in the UK while they seek authorisation from UK regulators. The TPR will be in place for three years, subject to HM Treasury’s power to extend the duration of the regime.  

MetLife Europe d.a.c. will enter the TPR after the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020. During the TPR period, we will be seeking permanent authorisation from UK regulators to ensure that our operating model enables us to continue to support our customers, employees and partners.

We will keep our customers, partners and distributors updated on our future plans as appropriate, as matters progress.

MetLife is launching a new support service for employers to help with home working and staff wellbeing. ‘Connected at Home’ is provided in partnership with Health Claims Bureau Group (HCB).

As part of this offering, employers with a MetLife Group Income Protection policy can access and nominate up to five members of staff they feel would benefit from personal support from the team at HCB. Designed to carefully identify any emerging problems within the workplace, the new service ensures employers can offer the optimal level of support within a suitable framework for their employees. A light-touch service, it not only provides assistance for the practical aspects of working from home, but also delivers broader wellbeing support.

As many workers across the country continue to work from home, the pandemic has reset employer employee relationships and shifted priorities in the workplace. Upcoming research* from MetLife’s Re:Me report has found that more than two in three (68%) employers agree that their employees work values are now focused on self-care, health and wellbeing. Almost half (47%) of employers also rate their care for employees highly, however only a third (34%) of staff agree, so it’s important to bridge this gap and realign expectations.

Connected at Home – which aims to support employers and their employees - is available from 18 December 2020 until 31 March 2021 to all MetLife clients with a Group Income Protection policy and offered at no additional cost.

Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director at MetLife commented: “With many UK employees still finding the transition to home working a challenge, we are offering a free support service to help navigate this new way of operating. The coronavirus pandemic has reset relationships and shifted priorities across the workplace. Figures from our forthcoming insight into workplace sentiment reveal that 72% of UK employers already feel the relationship between employers and their teams has altered significantly.”

“We know, from our research that for many employees their work values have transformed and there is a greater emphasis on self-care, health and wellbeing which heightens the need for employers to provide adequate wellbeing support. Our new service can help employers demonstrate they are responding to this change, by showing employees how much they care.”

For further information on how the new ‘light-touch’ service works please visit

Read the full press release here.

1.    Get to know your employees - Learn about what drives them, as well as the issues they face. This could involve sitting with the customer service team or providing exposure to senior leadership through small group discussions.
2.    Encourage transparency and open dialogue - Employees place great value on the ability to speak up without fear of retribution, so those who have opportunities to share their opinions will have a greater sense of purpose in what they do every day. To facilitate this, focus on promoting and practicing transparency and encouraging open dialogue.
3.    Strength internal communication – Where possible keep employees updated with the latest news and developments, particularly during challenging and uncertain times. This can help to relieve stress and anxiety of the unknown. However be mindful not to share too much before having the answers to key questions employees may have.
4.    Involve colleagues – Encourage employees to get involved internal communications whether that’s team emails, newsletters, social media or blog content. Create a sense of belonging within the workplace by providing employees with meaningful opportunities to connect with each other.
5.    Support their overall well-being - Traditional benefits – such as retirement, medical, and dental insurance – provide a safety net for employees. But as the world changes and new ways of working accelerates, this is altering what employees want from their employers. A more holistic approach to benefits that supports employees is emerging. Employers who support employees in and out of the workplace can help ensure both will thrive today and in the years to come.

In what has been a year like no other, time seems to have flown by with just a month to go until Christmas and six weeks until the start of a new year. For employees, workloads are likely to be dominated by planning meetings and the inevitable rush to get projects finished up in time for the Christmas break.

With so much to do in such a short space of time the challenge facing employers is to ensure their teams stay motivated and engaged while avoiding burn out.

To help employers navigate this busy period, Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife, has shared four tips on what businesses should be considering to keep employees engaged.

  • Watch out for employee burnout: Being aware of changes to an employee’s productivity is vital. Managers need to be vigilant when monitoring how individuals interact or show signs of disengagement. People can hide behind a computer and be unseen very easily, particularly in a remote working environment. The typical ‘calling in sick’ stats may reduce, the reality can be very different as people are effectively hidden. Helping employees use their annual leave, by either selling, buying or rolling over to the next year can be a small step with a huge benefit. 
  • Create an environment where people can speak up: If employees feel safe and able to share their challenges with mental health, employers will be able to identify the risks and devise strategies to better manage such issues. Businesses need to learn how to start conversations and reduce the stigma around mental ill health at what can be a very overwhelming and lonely time of year. 
  • Do talk finances We all know that Christmas can be an expensive time of year for everyone so one of the ways that employers can help to alleviate some concern and show that they understand what people’s focus is on right now is to highlight the financial support available to employees. Alongside this advice and giving practical information on managing daily budgets and savings is likely to be well received. Initiating dialogue around financial wellbeing will assist with breaking down the taboos. 
  • Make time for fun: Even though the office party may not be taking place this year, putting time aside to socialise as a team can be a big morale booster. Start thinking now about how you can hold Christmas celebrations virtually, maybe you could arrange a gift drop to people’s homes if you’re working remotely or host a wine tasting for people to join in with. While you might not be able to be together physically, booking out time for a virtual Christmas Quiz or just a catch up afterwork is a nice gesture and gives people a chance to catch up in an informal setting.

MetLife is enhancing the digital capabilities of its Wellbeing Hub following an 98% increase in structured telephone counselling sessions and 386% increase in online counselling sessions for digital and telephone services - as well as launching a new app.

Working closely with wellbeing partner Health Assured, MetLife UK has accelerated further its digital support channels to employees, as it sees a sharp increase in demand for services such as employment information, and a huge surge in the number of people accessing online support.

As the UK workforce deals with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, MetLife has seen a significant uptick in demand for its employee assistance programme (EAP), with call numbers up by 76% in July 2020 (MetLife EAP Report 2020) compared to the same month last year. The way that people access services has also changed dramatically; with face-to-face services less readily available due to lockdown and social distancing measures, the number of online counselling sessions delivered increased more than ten-fold between January 2020 and July 2020 (MetLife EAP Report 2020).

Like many companies, MetLife had to adapt to new ways of working during the pandemic to make sure people felt they could still reach out with concerns around mental health. Working virtually has created higher pressure points for many, from extended working hours to a complicated work life balance. Partnered with a rise in financial and employment stress, return to work anxiety and domestic abuse cases, Health Assured has first hand seen the increased focus on workplace wellbeing and the vital role that mental health support has played during this time.

To meet this shift in demand, MetLife has expanded the digital capabilities of its Wellbeing Hub by introducing access to health and wellbeing app ‘My Healthy Advantage’. Provided by Health Assured, the UK and Ireland’s largest independent and award-winning employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider, the app is designed to work in partnership with existing services, increasing engagement by using personal metrics to set bespoke physical and mental health goals. Using industry-leading features such as weekly mood trackers, four week plans and mini health checks, the app provides support across a range of issues that employees may be facing and acknowledges their achievements.

Shannon Savedge, Propositions Development Manager at MetLife UK said: “During periods of widespread uncertainty and apprehension, it is even more important for businesses to prioritise the wellbeing of their people. As providing in-person services has become increasingly difficult, it is important for us to make sure that we have a strong digital support system in place to manage rising demand. By adding the ‘My Healthy Advantage’ app to MetLife’s wellbeing offering with Health Assured, we hope to provide an additional level of support, helping employees 24/7 to help themselves and providing the recognition that is necessary at this turbulent time.”

For MetLife, it is important for employees to feel safe and able to share mental health concerns, and the Wellbeing Hub provides a platform for people to do so with ease and confidence. The enhancements and changes MetLife is making to the Wellbeing Hub will be available to those with MetLife’s Employee Benefits Group Income Protection (GIP) product and MetLife’s Group Life product for SME customers. The Wellbeing Hub provides health and wellbeing services, including confidential counselling services and support for line managers in dealing with day to day workplace issues.

MetLife UK are proud to be working in partnership with the Protection Distributors Group (PDG) and have signed up to PDG’s Claims Charter. The aim of the Charter is to ensure the protection industry provides customers with an efficient and hassle-free claims experience.

In order to achieve the PDG Claims Charter, MetLife needed to meet 6 mandatory requirements, including having a dedicated Claims Team, the use of digital documentation to make the process efficient, and ensure that customers’ claims are responded to and paid swiftly.
In 2019, MetLife UK paid 14,730 protection claims totalling a record payout of £11.1 million and averaging 56 claims paid a day1, showing the genuine value to customers.

The Claims Charter outlines what PDG believe is standard best practice. Formed in 2016, the PDG has driven significant changes within the market.

Alan Knowles, Chair of the Protection Distributors Group commented, “We’re delighted to see MetLife sign up for the PDG Claims Charter. Considering everything that is going on in the country right now, to see insurance companies still pushing forward to improve the customer claims experience is a real testament to our industry”.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: “I’m proud that MetLife now upholds PDG Claims Charter. Not only does it show our commitment to improving claims standards, but it also demonstrates the great support we continue to provide to our customers. Protection claims hit a record high in 2019, with 28%2 more claims being paid than the previous year.

This shows that MultiProtect continues to cover customers for everyday risks and we keep our promises when it comes to paying claims. Joining the Claims Charter is a move MetLife has taken to ensure our customers and distribution partners feel supported and cared for when they are involved in a claim.”

MetLife’s MultiProtect policy is currently the only stand-alone policy which, alongside a variety of benefits, specifically covers broken bones including some fractures and chips to bones. Child Cover can be added for just £1 a month per adult insured and covers all children in a household, up to the age of 23 and in full-time education. If both parents select the cover, they can protect children twice.

Maximum pay-outs (based on 5 units of cover) are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays, £3,750 for broken bones, £250,000 for total permanent disability and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.  

It is not just financial help – customers also have complementary access 24/7 to the Wellbeing Support Centre which provides emotional and practical support.

MetLife’s MultiProtect is available through selected strategic adviser partners in the UK. If you are interested in finding out more about the valuable protection it offers, please visit this link.

1 MetLife Protection portfolio 2019
2 Taken from MetLife internal portfolio data, 2020

● As part of a wider commitment by MetLife Foundation, MetLife in the UK has provided grant funding to Brighton Food Bank to offer relief from the impact of the pandemic.
● MetLife Foundation has committed $25 million to support communities across the globe impacted by COVID-19.
● Brighton Food Bank is committed to providing emergency food and essentials to those in crisis situations with limited funds.

MetLife Foundation has issued grant funding across MetLife’s operations worldwide, including in the UK, to offer relief from the impact of COVID-19. Addressing both short and longer-term relief efforts, the grants will support local communities that have been affected by the pandemic.

“It is more important than ever that we look to support our local community during this time of need, and help where we can,” said Dominic Grinstead, Managing Director, MetLife UK. “We are very pleased to be able to continue supporting the important work of Brighton Food Bank, the people who work for it and those who rely upon it. Putting community first is at the heart of who we are and what we stand for.”

Only 10 minutes from the MetLife UK office, Brighton Food Bank is part of Brighton and Hove City Mission, which has provided support to the local community since 1849. The grant will ensure that Brighton Food Bank is able to purchase much-needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect volunteers, and to replenish food stocks where donations have fallen short due to lockdown restrictions.

Mike Jourdain, team leader at Brighton Food Bank, said: “We are delighted with this support from MetLife, which offers tremendous relief during this time of uncertainty and crisis. The donation will allow us to continue running our service as usual and help those who cannot feed themselves or their families, particularly in the current environment.”

MetLife were delighted to feature in the latest ‘When Hooray met…’ series.

MetLife’s UK Employee Benefits Director, Adrian Matthews, kindly hosted Hooray for the day at their Brighton office and discussed MetLife’s continued growth in the Employee Benefits insurance market. Adrian is one of the most well-recognised faces at MetLife UK, joining in 2011 as Chief Finance Officer, and progressing to EB Director in 2017. He’s experienced much of what has helped MetLife UK build the reputation they hold today.

Read the full article here


Claims paid hits a record £11.1 million.

4,565 claims paid for child related accidents or illnesses.

MetLife UK’s innovative MultiProtect policy continues to provide value for money for customers as 2019 claim figures hit a record high, new data shows. MetLife UK paid on average 56 protection claims every working day in 20191.

The total paid in accident and health claims in 2019 was a record £11.1 million with 14,730 claims paid throughout the year – more than 28% higher than the previous year1.

MultiProtect’s accident and hospital cover product, which complements traditional protection policies, enables individuals and families to access affordable and flexible financial protection that covers everyday risks.

The affordable Child Cover optional benefit, starting from an additional £1 per month, continues to provide important cover for children with an impressive 31% of the total claims paid being for children and a total of 4,565 claims being paid for child accidents and illnesses1. MetLife have also reported that the average time spent in hospital for insured children is 5 days1.

Adults living active lifestyles have also benefitted from the policy with 101 claims paid for the optional Active Lifestyle Cover averaging a claim paid every 2.5 days1. Payments for complete tears of ligaments, ruptures to tendons and complete dislocations pay out up to £5,000 per injury. This covers one dislocation and one complete tendon rupture or complete ligament tear in each policy year. Surgical intervention is required for dislocations and tendon ruptures.

MetLife’s data also shows that 88% of all UK hospitalisation claims paid related to stays in hospital due to sickness, with adult claimants spending on average 6 days in hospital1.

MetLife’s research2 among advisers shows more than half (51%) say clients are reluctant to buy individual protection because they are concerned about claims records, while 56% say clients do not believe the current range of products is relevant to their everyday lives.

Stuart Lewis, Head of Claims, MetLife UK said: “After a year which has seen more claims than ever before within the Individual Protection business, one of the key factors that I’d like to recognise is the integral role that advisers often play in the customer experience at the claim stage. Many of our customers will turn to their adviser when they need the product to deliver something for them, particularly at the time of claim. I am proud of the partnerships we’ve developed with advisers and that together, we can continue to deliver on our promises and pay out when our customers need it most.”

MetLife’s MultiProtect policy is currently the only stand-alone policy which, alongside a variety of benefits, specifically covers broken bones including some fractures and chips to bones. Child Cover can be added for just £1 a month per adult insured and covers all children in a household, up to the age of 23 and in full-time education. If both parents select the cover they can protect children twice.

Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays, £3,750 for broken bones, £250,000 for total permanent disability and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.  

It is not just financial help – customers also have complementary access 24/7 to the Wellbeing Support Centre which provides emotional and practical support.

MetLife’s MultiProtect is available through selected strategic adviser partners in the UK. If you are interested in finding out more, please visit this link.
1 MetLife UK 2019 Individual Protection claims portfolio
2 Research carried out by independent researchers PollRight among 200 advisers in September 2018


MetLife UK Heads for New Claims Record

  • Third quarter sees highest monthly volume of claims paid
  • Number of claims paid in first nine months are 92% the previous year’s total


MetLife UK is on track to pay record claim volumes this year as demand for its innovative MultiProtect policy continues to grow, new data1 shows.

Claims paid in the first nine months of 2019 are already 92% of the total paid in 2018 when MetLife UK paid a protection claim every hour in a record-breaking year.

As of October, MetLife UK has paid 10,449 claims compared with around 11,400 for the whole of last year.

The total amount of claims paid for the first nine months of 2019 was £7.5 million, putting MetLife well on course to beat the record £8.6 million payout for the whole of 2018.

MetLife’s accident and hospital cover product MultiProtect, complements traditional protection policies and enables individuals and families to access affordable and flexible financial protection that meets their everyday risks.

MultiProtect is currently the only standalone policy which alongside a variety of benefits, specifically covers broken bones, including fractures and chipped bones. Adults can receive payouts of up to £3,750 per major broken bone and a Child Cover benefit can be added on to cover all children from just £1 extra per month.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: “The growth in the volume and value of claims demonstrates the role that MultiProtect can play as part of a customer’s protection portfolio and really helps widen advice options for advisers.

“Advisers are the key to helping customers find products that meet their needs – often needs that customers aren’t aware that they have until something happens and it is too late. The advisers that partner with MetLife to offer MultiProtect know that it’s the everyday risks that are often overlooked and the rise in claims shows the value of the policy.”

MultiProtect offers cover for between £8 and £40 a month and does not require medical underwriting, with customers being able to get covered in under four minutes. Families can add optional cover for children up to the age of 23 if in full-time education from £1 extra per month and if both parents select the cover, they can protect children twice.

It is not just financial help – customers also have complementary access 24/7 to the Wellbeing Support Centre which provides emotional and practical support.

Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays, £3,750 for broken bones, £250,000 for total permanent disability and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.

MetLife’s MultiProtect is available through selected strategic adviser partners in the UK. To find out more, please visit this link.

1 MetLife claims portfolio data January – October 2019

Protection Benefits Help Students Counselling Needs

  • Two out of three students would value protection policies offering counselling services
  • MetLife MultiProtect covers students in full-time education to age 23


In September 2019, parents waved goodbye to more than 400,000 students1 as they started university.

It’s an exciting time but can also be stressful.

Research2 among students shows that 87.5% say they struggle with feelings of anxiety, almost two out of five (42.8%) say they are often or always worried and one in three (33%) report suffering from loneliness.

Concerns about mental health issues among students are rising and there are also worries about dropout rates.

A critical factor in tackling mental health issues is timely access to support services – maximum waiting times on the NHS3 are 18 weeks and data4 from universities shows students are waiting up to three months to start counselling on campus. Around one in four universities have cut or frozen their mental health budgets.

This is where support services provided through protection policies can prove invaluable. In fact, new research5 for MetLife UK reveals that around two thirds of 18 to 24-year-olds would value policies which provide counselling services.

MetLife’s MultiProtect policy enables policyholders to cover children in full-time education up to the age of 23 and gives free access, 24/7 to its Wellbeing Support Centre which provides emotional and practical support, including telephone support services.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: “Starting university is an exciting time but can be stressful for students as they settle in and need to take responsibility for what most will have relied on their parents for.

“Being able to access free expert independent advice can help students adapt and enjoy life at university. At its core, MetLife’s MultiProtect provides cover for everyday risks such as broken bones – important peace of mind for sports-minded students as the football and rugby seasons begin.”

MetLife’s MultiProtect policy is currently the only stand-alone policy which, alongside a variety of benefits, specifically covers broken bones including fractures and chips to bones. Child Cover can be added for just £1 a month per adult insured and covers all children in a household,up to the age of 23 in full-time education. If both parents select the cover they can protect children twice.

Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays, £3,750 for broken bones, £250,000 for total permanent disability and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.

MetLife’s MultiProtect is available through selected strategic adviser partners in the UK. If you are interested in finding out more, please visit this link.





5 Research carried out by Consumer Intelligence using an online methodology to question 1,064 working adults aged 18-plus between March 26th and March 27th 2019

25% increase in protection claims for MetLife in Q1 2019

Two out of five claims paid for broken bones

Protection claims at MetLife UK hit a new high in the first quarter of the year as the number of payouts increased by 25% and the value of payouts rose by 28%, new data shows.

Around two out of five claims paid during the quarter were for customers, or their children, suffering broken bones. MetLife UK's MultiProtect policy is a stand-alone policy covering broken bones. Several providers offer fracture cover as an add-on to traditional income, life or critical illness protection policies, however some providers have restricted or withdrawn the benefit, Guardian being one such provider, calling the add-on ‘unsustainable' without standard exclusions.

Total claims for MetLife paid in the first three months rose to 3,216 compared with 2,577 for the same period in 2018, while the value of claims paid increased to £2.411 million from £1.885 million.

Richard Horner, head of individual protection, MetLife UK said: "The record rise in volume and value of claims, shows that MultiProtect is playing an increasingly important role in covering customers for everyday risks and widening the options for advisers.

"The fact that around two-fifths of claims are for broken bones, suffered by customers or their children, highlights how advisers are supporting their clients by offering cover that meets their needs at a time when they need financial help."

MultiProtect offers cover for between £8 and £40 a month and does not require medical underwriting. The product includes cover for a range of accidental injuries such as broken bones and for UK hospital stays.

MetLife's MultiProtect is available through selected strategic adviser partners in the UK.

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell
Head of Communications, UK, Ireland and Europe, MetLife
+44 (0) 207 715 2310


Nearly six out of 10 employers recognise the need to do more to support staff

MetLife UK’s resilience report outlines practical steps employers can take


Increased awareness of the impact of mental health issues at work is driving positive change but employers need to do more to increase workplace resilience, a new report from MetLife UK says.

Research1 for its report found 57% of employers admit they have to increase the focus on helping staff build resilience and just 40% believe they are doing enough. Nearly two out of three (66%) employers questioned say organisational resilience has to be driven by the company’s leadership.

MetLife UK’s report Mental Health and Stress: Building Employee Resilience in the Fourth Industrial Revolution highlights the issue of organisational culture – more than a third (34%) of employers say workplace stress is being caused by the way their company operates.

The report highlights a difference in views between employees and employers – just 37% of employees believe their employer was honest at the recruitment stage about the demands on staff while more than half (56%) of HR leaders believe the stress risks are made clear.

However, the report shows there has been progress in addressing the issue of workplace stress with 64% of employees saying their organisation now offers support compared with 51% when MetLife first researched the issue in 2014.

Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director, MetLife UK said: "What employees feel is real, and despite views from management that they are taking action, it is clear that more needs to be done. This shouldn’t deter employers. Whilst some programmes come with a cost, many initiatives can be created and implemented that do not.

"Employers are saying that they need help: 84% said there is no clarity on best practice to address mental health issues in the workplace. It may be that the explosion of interest in the topic is leading employers into inaction, and this is a very clear opportunity for employee benefits consultants, in tandem with insurance providers to step up and help."

Leading businessman Sir Kenneth Olisa, OBE, The Lord Lieutenant of Greater London, writes in a foreword to the report: "Workplace stress management isn’t just a matter of social justice, it is also a matter of competitive advantage.

"The practical advice in this report is a good basis for a strategy to change the way we work. Having a three to five-year objective is crucial and companies need to ask what success looks like. The message of MetLife UK’s report is clear – don’t relegate stress management policies to the appendices of your Employee Handbook. Bring the topic to the front and encourage everyone to read it and to act upon it."

Strategies outlined in the report incude focusing on the role of the line manager and recognising the pressures they are under by supporting them with training and Employee Assistance Programmes.

Organisations should enhance communication and ensure employees are aware of the support available. Group Risk providers such as MetLife have dedicated Client Relationship Managers who can help ensure communication strategies are maximised.

Organisations need to decide what they are going to measure to help drive resilience and should encourage employees to complete surveys so leadership teams can correct strategies. Building trust across the organisation can help boost engagement. Creating a common purpose across all age ranges and recognising employees’ natural working styles will also make a major contribution.

MetLife UK is established as the UK’s third largest Group Life provider by number of schemes it insures2 and the sixth largest Group Income Protection provider by in-force premium.

1 Research conducted between July 31st and August 1st 2018 by independent research agency Consumer Intelligence among 1,068 UK adults aged 18-plus. Research among employers was conducted online by Pollright among a panel of 200 UK HR professionals in June 2018. Research for the 2015 report was conducted among 1,052 adults aged 18-plus in full-time employment by independent research agency Consumer Intelligence between November 4th and 10th 2014

2 Swiss Re Group Watch 2019 Report

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Europe Communications, MetLife


• Three out of four parents say time off to look after children has an impact on their job

• More than half are worried about the costs of having to take time off to look after children


Parents are paying the price for taking time off work to look after sick or injured children in the shape of extra costs, cancelled holidays, unpaid leave and increased stress, new research1 from MetLife UK shows.

More than three out of four (76%) parents taking time off work to care for children in the past two years say it has had an impact at work, the MetLife UK study found. The worst-affected are self-employed parents with more than two out of five (43%) losing jobs or contracts as a result.

More than half (54%) of working parents are concerned about the potential costs of taking time off work to look after children. The research shows the need to take time off is very likely with nearly one in five (18%) taking days off in the past two years to care for children injured in accidents and 46% taking time off to look after sick children. Around one in four (23%) have had to stay overnight or longer in hospital with children.

The biggest impact from taking time off to look after children is having to use up holidays – 40% of those questioned said they or their partner had to count time off as part of their holiday entitlement while 31% were made to take unpaid leave from work.

Nearly two out of five (36%) say time off to look after children has meant increased stress while 13% say they have been landed with extra bills as a result.

Parents recognise the benefits of having financial protection for their children in the event of accidents or hospital stays – around 57% questioned said protection was important. However just around half of them actually have financial protection for their children or are considering buying it.

Around 28% say protection is important but do not believe they can afford it while 29% say they are not aware protection specifically for children is available.

MetLife’s MultiProtect insurance, which covers adults for accidents and hospital stays and can be extended to children for just £1 a month for all children in the household, offers a solution for millions – last year2 around one in three claims on the policy were for children and around 5,600 claims were for hospital stays.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: "Balancing work and family life leads to all sorts of pressures for working parents and the pressure intensifies when children are sick or injured and their parents need to take time off work.

"Parents are paying the price in unpaid leave, lost holiday entitlement and extra bills for looking after children. This makes it important that they look at how they can protect their family.

"Cover which can pay out when children are sick or injured should be the foundation of family protection which enables families and individuals to concentrate on getting better rather than worrying about money. With 11.5 million people in the UK with less than £100 in savings to fall back on, taking time off unpaid can quickly cause financial problems to escalate"3.

MultiProtect offers cover for between £8 and £40 a month and does not require medical underwriting, with customers being able to get covered in under 4 minutes. Families can add optional cover for children up to the age of 23 in full-time education from £1 extra per month and if both parents select the cover they can protect children twice.

Key benefits with MultiProtect include cover for a range of accidental injuries such as broken bones and for UK hospital stays. Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays; £3,750 for broken bones; £250,000 for total permanent disability; and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.

1 Research carried out by Consumer Intelligence using an online methodology to question 1,064 working adults aged 18-plus between March 26th and March 27th 2019

2 MetLife claims data 2018

3 MAS Listening Document

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Western and Central Europe Communications, MetLife


• More than 600,000 suffer broken bones each year

• MetLife MultiProtect is currently the only stand-alone policy covering broken bones and fractures


Customers are missing out on valuable protection because they believe individual protection policies do not cover everyday risks such as broken bones, new research1 from MetLife UK shows.

Its nationwide study found nearly two out of five (39%) adults do not believe individual protection policies will pay out for everyday risks such as broken bones and nearly half (49%) do not know whether policies will cover everyday risks1.

MetLife’s MultiProtect is currently the only stand-alone policy which alongside a variety of benefits, specifically covers broken bones, including fractures and chips. Adults can receive payouts of up to £3,750 per major broken bone and a Child Cover benefit can be added on to cover all children*. Around 56% of MetLife’s broken bones claims2 last year were for adults while 44% were for children. MetLife paid out a record £8.6 million of 11,428 claims in total to customers with an individual policy. This was on average 30 claims paid every single day in 20182.

It is estimated that more than 600,000 people suffer broken bones each year and researchers believe that boys have a 30% chance of breaking a bone before the age of 18 while girls have a nearly one in five (19%) chance1. Furthermore, research shows that 66% of boys and 40% of girls will sustain a fracture before their 15th birthday3.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: "There is a clear need for policies which cover fractures. The risk of breaking bones is unfortunately a real one for many, with around 600,000 reported each year.

Fractures can have a major impact on everyday life so it makes sense to have affordable cover which pays out and enables people to concentrate on getting better without having to worry about their finances.

Advisers are the key to helping customers find products that meet their needs. The advisers that partner with MetLife to offer MultiProtect know that it’s the everyday risks that are often overlooked.

MetLife’s MultiProtect insurance, which as well as providing important fracture cover, also covers adults for hospital stays and can be extended to children for just £1 a month for all children in the household*, and could offer a solution for millions. Last year2 around one in three claims on the policy were for children and around 5,600 claims were for hospital stays."

MultiProtect offers cover from between £8 and £40 a month and does not require medical underwriting, with customers being able to get covered in under 4 minutes. Families can add optional cover for children up to the age of 23, if in full-time education, from £1 extra per month and if both parents select the cover, they can protect children twice.

Key benefits with MultiProtect include cover for a range of accidental injuries such as broken bones and for UK hospital stays. Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays, £3,750 for a broken bone, £250,000 for total permanent disability and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70*.

* MetLife MultiProtect Terms and Conditions apply. For more information please visit

1 Research carried out by Consumer Intelligence using an online methodology to question 1,064 working adults aged 18-plus between March 26th and March 27th 2019

2 MetLife claims data 2018

3 NSPCC 2018

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the Branch Manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website: Page 3 of 3

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Western and Central Europe Communications, MetLife


• Just one in five employees say their job is not stressful as stress increases

• But pressure from managers and performance targets is easing


Workplace stress is on the rise and the biggest drivers of stress are colleagues, new research1 from MetLife UK has found. Its study found employees say the major causes of tension at work are ongoing understaffing with underperforming colleagues adding to the pressure.

More than half (52%) of employees questioned said being understaffed is creating stress at their workplace while the same number blame colleagues not doing their jobs properly. Around two out of five (40%) say recruiting inexperienced staff contributes to stress.

Personal financial worries are adding to the stress mix with one in three (30%) employees admitting they struggle to stay on top of their finances while remaining fully committed at work highlighting the need foremployers to address the issue of financial wellness in the workplace.

The MetLife UK study found stress in the workplace is rising – 57% of employees questioned say their job is more stressful than a year ago and just 22% say their job is not stressful. When MetLife UK last carried out the research in 2014 around 31% said their job was not stressful and less than half (48%) said their job had become more stressful in the past year.

There are grounds for optimism with signs that senior management is recognising the need to address the issue – the numbers of employees blaming pressure from their line manager for creating stress has slipped to 36% from 39% in 2014 while the numbers blaming stress on pressure to achieve performance targets has dropped to 38% from 45%.

Employers are making efforts to provide more support for staff on combating stress– around 64% of employees said their organisation offered some form of help in the workplace compared to 51% when the research was previously conducted.

Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director, MetLife UK said: "Employees are telling us that a major cause of stress at work is unfortunately the people they work with. Either there aren’t enough of them, or the ones that are there are failing to deliver and making it harder for others.

"Add financial wellbeing to the mix and it is clear workplace stress is a growing issue. It’s an issue that employers need to address and the numbers suffering from it demonstrate that taking action will produce measurable results relatively quickly and without major investment.

"Employees need frameworks in place to support motivation and engagement at work as well as good overall physical and mental health and wellbeing. Team leaders and managers play an important role and it is encouraging that the research shows signs of change but clearly a lot more needs to be done.

"Group Risk products such as Group Life and Group Income Protection have a role to play in providing some of the support mechanisms for financial, mental and physical wellbeing."

MetLife is established as the UK’s third largest Group Life provider by number of schemes it insures2 and the sixth largest Group Income Protection provider by in-force premium.

1 Independent researchers Consumer Intelligence conducted 1,068 online interviews among a panel of UK adults aged 18+ in full time employment between 31st July and 1st August 2018.

2 Swiss Re Group Watch 2018 Report

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website: Page 3 of 3

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Europe Communications, MetLife


• Financial wellbeing worries are having a growing impact on workplace mental health

• Employers want support on best practice standards to address financial wellbeing at work


Employers need to understand more about the impact of personal financial worries on workplace mental health, but are struggling to agree best practice standards to address the issue, new research1 from MetLife UK has found.

More than six out of 10 (61%) senior HR executives have seen a rise in financial wellbeing issues affecting employee mental health and work performance, the nationwide study from MetLife UK shows.

Senior managers agree that addressing financial wellbeing will have business benefits – nearly two out of three (64%) say that tackling financial stress will help boost productivity and engagement in their organisation and 58% say there is growing momentum to provide support.

But businesses are concerned they do not understand enough about financial wellbeing – 67% say they need to know more about the link between financial wellbeing and mental health issues, while 66% say there needs to be more clarity on best practice on tackling financial wellbeing at work.

MetLife UK defines financial wellbeing by a combination of key factors: being in control of your finances; having the capacity to withstand financial shocks; having confidence in the future; and having choices on how to spend and save.

Employee benefits such as Group Life and Group Income Protection support financial wellbeing by helping families and supporting staff who are unable to work due to illness. In addition they offer support to family members via an Employee Assistance Plan, if their loved ones are struggling. Wider finanical wellbeing programmes also increase general financial literacy and improve financial behaviour.

Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director, MetLife UK said: "Financial wellbeing in the workplace is a growing issue for businesses, with organisations reporting a rise in concerns about the impact on mental health and company performance.

"Companies appreciate they need to understand more about the issue so they can provide support for employees, but at the same time there is concern that there are no agreed best practice standards on how to implement financial wellbeing programmes.

"There is no magic solution to improving financial wellbeing in the workplace, but a well-designed employee benefits programme is a good place to start. The potential business benefits in terms of more productive employees are clear."

MetLife’s research found 61% of HR managers believe financial wellbeing advice should be a part of Employee Assistance Programmes, aimed at helping address mental health issues.

It is established as the UK’s third largest Group Life provider by number of schemes it insures2 and the sixth largest Group Income Protection provider by in-force premium.

1 Independent research with employers was conducted online by Pollright among a panel of 200 UK HR professionals in June 2018

2 Swiss Re Group Watch 2018 Report

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Europe Communications, MetLife


• But advisers are split over how to expand the market

• MetLife’s MultiProtect complements traditional protection products


Advisers believe sales of individual protection could grow by an average 18% over the next two years, but are split on how to drive market expansion, new research1 from MetLife UK shows.

Its study found growing optimism among advisers about their ability to increase protection for more customers – nearly two out of five (38%) say there is a definite opportunity to help more customers over the next two years while 40% say there could be.

However the research identified adviser concerns about potential roadblocks to market expansion, with worries about affordabilty and the relevance of products to everyday lives seen as the biggest issues.

More than two out of three (67%) of advisers said clients would be more interested in individual protection policies if they were more affordable and the same number said clients are put off buying protection products because they do not believe they will need them.

Advisers say more than half (51%) of prospective customers are reluctant to buy protection policies because they are concerned about providers’ claims records, while 56% of advisers warn clients do not believe the current range of products is relevant to their everyday lives.

MetLife’s MultiProtect accident and hospital cover product, which is designed to complement traditional protection policies, addresses these concerns with cover starting from £8 a month and a strong record on paying claims quickly and efficiently.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: "The individual protection market is seeing strong growth and the optimism among advisers about opportunities to grow the market is very welcome.

"There are however significant concerns advisers are hearing from their clients about the relevance of existing products available and issues about affordability and claim payments, which providers need to be address.

"The reality is that there are affordable product options and the risks that they cover are part of everyday lives, while the industry’s record on claims is strong with providers committed to making the claims process straightforward and paying claims in a timely manner."

MultiProtect offers customers cover from £8 a month and does not require medical underwriting. Families can add optional cover for children up to the age of 23 in full-time education from £1 extra per month and if both parents select the cover they can protect children twice.

Key benefits with MultiProtect include cover for a range of accidental injuries such as broken bones and for UK hospital stays. Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays; £3,750 for broken bones; £250,000 for total permanent disability; and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.

MetLife is established as as the UK’s third largest Group Life provider by the number of schemes it insures3 and the sixth largest Group Income Protection provider by in-force premium. It has generated significant market momentum through its focused understanding of customer needs and by employing staff focused on delivering customer excellence supported by strong partnerships.

1 Research carried out by indepedendent researchers PollRight among 200 advisers in September 2018

2 Swiss Re Group Watch 2018 Report

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Europe Communications, MetLife


New partnership highlights commitment to gender equality at MetLife UK


MetLife has become the first insurer to join the UN Women Global Innovation Coalition for Change.

The Coalition, which includes 26 other companies, is a dynamic partnership between UN Women and key representatives from the private sector, academia, and not-for-profit institutions focused on developing the innovation market to work better for women and to accelerate the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The announcement was made at an International Women’s Day forum at MetLife’s headquarters in New York City and underlines the group’s commitment to gender equality ahead of International Women’s Day on March 8th.

"Being asked to join the UN Women Global Innovation Coalition for Change is a testament to MetLife’s commitment to diversity and inclusion and to developing innovative solutions that create opportunities for everyone," said Michel Khalaf, President, U.S. Business and EMEA and incoming MetLife CEO. "We look forward to working with the Coalition to drive greater impact for women around the world."

Information about MetLife’s global commitment to diversity and inclusion can be found on its Diversity & Inclusion page at , and at the International Women’s Day website at News and updates about International Women’s Day 2019 can be found using the hashtag #innovateforchange.

In the UK MetLife has joined Inclusive Employers, the first and leading organisation for employers looking to build inclusive workplaces, and has recently relaunched its Woman’s Network, one of 34 around the world focused on career development and engagement activities for women, which is open to all staff.

Amy Tomlinson, Head of HR at MetLife UK, said: "We want to increase awareness of diversity and inclusion across the business and this means understanding the diversity of our people and engaging with other MetLife Offices.

"The more we know, the more we can continue to develop an inclusive culture and International Women’s Day helps us celebrate what we have achieved and assess how much more we have to do."

MetLife in the UK have made a pledge for gender balance across Financial Services by signing up to the Women in Finance Charter and is targeting a 50/50 split of male and female employees as well as having women in 40% of managers’ roles.

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of Communications, UK, Ireland and Europe


Total claims paid on MultiProtect hits record £8.6 million


MetLife UK paid a protection claim every hour* last year as payouts from its innovative MultiProtect policy hit a new high in 2018, new data shows.

The total paid in accident and health claims in 2018 was a record £8.6 million, 22% higher than the previous year. Plus, customer satisfaction scores rose to 96% from 94% despite having seen an increase in the volume of claims.

MetLife’s MultiProtect accident and hospital cover product, which complements traditional protection policies, enables individuals and families to access affordable and flexible financial protection that meets everyday risks.

MetLife’s commitment to supporting families is highlighted as 44% of accident and health claims paid are for broken bones and 21% for hospitalisation covering payouts for children.

In total, more than 11,400 accident and health claims were paid in 2018 and MetLife’s paid claim rate increased with a 91% acceptance rate. MetLife’s data shows 24% of all customers who have claimed have made more than one claim and 63% of claims are from customers who have held their policy for two or more years.

MetLife’s research1 among advisers shows more than half (51%) of the clients are reluctant to buy individual protection because they are concerned about claims records, while 56% say clients do not believe the current range of products is relevant to their everyday lives.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: "Customers only really value individual protection when they need to make a claim and it is crucial that claims are handled efficiently and with sympathy.

The record payout and rising customer satisfaction score underlines the success of our claims team in ensuring we maintain high standards of service so that advisers and their clients can be confident their policies will protect them against everyday risks."

MultiProtect offers cover for between £8 and £40 a month and does not require medical underwriting, with customers being able to get covered in under 4 minutes. Families can add optional cover for children up to the age of 23 in full-time education from £1 extra per month and if both parents select the cover they can protect children twice.

It is not just financial help – customers also have complementary access 24/7 to the Wellbeing Support Centre which provides emotional and practical support.

Key benefits with MultiProtect include cover for a range of accidental injuries such as broken bones and for UK hospital stays. Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays; £3,750 for broken bones; £250,000 for total permanent disability; and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.

MetLife’s MultiProtect is currently available through selected strategic adviser partners in the UK. If you are interested in finding out more, please visit


1 Research carried out by indepedendent researchers PollRight among 200 advisers in September 2018

* Source: Taken from MetLife portfolio data, December 2018. Paying one claim per hour is based on the average volume of claims paid from Jan – Dec 2018, and over a 24 hour period.

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset Page 3 of 3

management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Europe Communications, MetLife


• 56% of advisers warn self-employed clients are under-protected

• More than one in five clients are self-employed


The rise of self-employment is helping drive sales of individual protection products but advisers are increasingly concerned that self-employed clients are under-protected, new research1 from MetLife UK shows.

Its nationwide study found the average adviser now has more than one in five clients (21%) who are self-employed and 57% say self-employed clients are a potential major growth area. That mirrors the growing trend for self-employment across the UK. Government2 figures show 4.77 million are currently self-employed, equivalent to around 14.7% of the total workforce.

But advisers are concerned that self-employed clients do not have enough protection cover to help provide financial support if they are unable to work. MetLife’s research found 56% of advisers believe self-employed clients are under-protected whereas 34% believe self-employed clients have enough protection.

More than two out of five (43%) of advisers say they struggle to convince self-employed clients to increase their protection with affordability seen as the biggest barrier. Around 39% of advisers say self-employed clients worry about the cost while 34% say clients do not prioritise individual protection and 12% say policies are inflexible.

MetLife’s MultiProtect accident and hospital cover product, which is designed to complement traditional protection policies, helps address the affordability issue with individual cover starting from £8 a month. Its focus on paying claims quickly makes it a real benefit for self-employed clients who will be unable to earn if they cannot work.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK said: "Self-employed workers are particularly vulnerable if they or one of their family suffers an injury or accident which makes it difficult to work and earn money.

"The growth of self-employment has been a major trend across the UK economy and advisers are seeing this mirrored in their client base with on average one in five clients now self-employed.

"Everyday risks such as children getting injured or becoming ill are a bigger risk for the self-employed if they have to take time off work to look after them and the same applies if they themself suffer injuries as they do not have the same rights to Statutory Sick Pay. Individual protection products have a major role to play in supporting the self-employed."

MultiProtect offers cover for between £8 and £40 a month and does not require medical underwriting, with customers being able to get covered in under 4 minutes. Families can add optional cover for children up to the age of 23 in full-time education from £1 extra per month.If both parents add this optional cover to their policies it provides double the level of cover.

Key benefits with MultiProtect include cover for a range of accidental injuries such as broken bones and for UK hospital stays related to accidental injuries and for sickness after the policy has been in force for sickness.Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays; £3,750 for broken bones; £250,000 for total permanent disability; and £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.

1 Research carried out by indepedendent researchers PollRight among 200 advisers in September 2018


Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website: Page 3 of 3

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of Communications, UK, Ireland and Europe


• Nearly six out of 10 plan to increase benefits for staff over the next two years

• Flexible products suited to individual needs and designed to grow with businesses are the most popular


SME bosses are planning to increase the benefits they offer staff in addition to pensions over the next two years as they focus on retention and recruitment, new research1 from MetLife UK shows.

Its study of companies employing between 50 and 300 staff – which make up2 around 34,000 businesses with an annual turnover of £541 billion and employing 3.3 million people – found 57% of firms plan to increase benefits.

Nearly one in four (24%) plan to significantly increase their employee benefits package while 33% will slightly expand the benefits on offer by adding additional services or enhancing terms. Companies employing between 100 and 199 staff are the most likely to significantly increase benefits with 27% saying they will offer new benefits compared with just 19% among companies with 200 to 300 staff.

Around 19% of SME senior managers said benefits which specifically address health and wellbeing would be their first choice while around one in 10 (11%) said they would like to see benefits which are suitable for employees who work from home.

Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director, MetLife UK said: "SMEs are very much focused on retaining and recruiting staff and increasingly recognise the role that a well-designed benefits package can play in addition to salary.

"Smaller employers are already competing for staff with large corporates on pay and business profile and may struggle to attract and retain skilled employees if they cannot offer the benefits that many now expect at work.

"Group Life and Group Income Protection are benefits that employees value and cost much less than employers often think – for example around 0.5% of salary for income protection and 0.2% of salary for life."

MetLife’s research found more than half of SMEs (51%) say sickness absence is a significant issue for their business with 20% saying it is a very significant issue: benefits such as Group Income Protection can help mitigate the impact.

The study found around 27% of SME owners say benefits play a major role in engaging and motivating their staff while 24% say regularly communicating their benefits package helps with driving engagement. Around 84% of SME bosses believe staff are engaged in their day-to-day work with 33% saying staff are highly engaged.

MetLife is focused on expanding its business among SMEs and large corporates including multi-national clients while enhancing strategic partnerships with leading brokers and EBCs. It is established as the UK’s third largest Group Life provider by number of schemes it insures3 and the sixth largest Group Income Protection provider by in-force premium.

1 Independent research carried out online for MetLife by Opinium among 508 senior decision makers at SMEs employing between 50 and 299 staff between March 14th and 20th 2018


3 Swiss Re Group Watch 2018 Report

Notes to Editors

The references to "MetLife" are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset

management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell +44 (0) 207 715 2310
Head of UK and Western and Central Europe Communications, MetLife


  • Innovative product brings potential for new sales to advisers
  • MultiProtect's unique features and benefits address consumers' everyday protection needs


MetLife has announced a strategic partnership with iPipeline® - a leading provider of next-generation solutions and services to the life and pensions market - to grow the distribution of its innovative MultiProtect accident and hospital cover product which enables individuals and families to access affordable and flexible financial protection that meets everyday risks. MultiProtect will be available with selected distributors who utilise iPipeline’s award-winning protection sourcing solution, SolutionBuilder®, which delivers a client-centric research, quote and apply solution. This enables advisers to compare protection needs in a simplified and responsive user interface so they can quickly identify the right solution for their clients.

MetLife and iPipeline are both aligned in their ambition to grow the market for finanical protection in the UK.

“Having MultiProtect fully integrated into distribution firms’ advice processes will enable more customers to get access to protection that meets their needs. We designed MultiProtect not as a replacement for life, critical illness or income protection. It is additIonal cover that complements other protection products,” comments Richard Horner, Head of Protection at MetLife. “Every day we demonstrate excellent customer value and have paid over 11,400 claims in the last year to our customers2.”

Research1 with advisers show they believe clients would be more interested in individual protection if it was more affordable (67%), while nearly half (48%) say customers are put off by potential underwriting issues and 39% say clients are deterred by the length of the sales process.

MultiProtect addresses all these challenges. Cover starts at just £8 a month, it does not require underwriting and customers can have cover in place in less than 4 minutes. Families can add optional cover for any children (up to age 18 living at home and up to 23 if they are in full time education) from £1 extra per month.

Richard Horner, Head of Individual Protection, MetLife UK added: “The iPipeline partnership is a landmark for MetLife in our ambition to bring affordable everyday protection to families across the UK. Access to distribution is a key factor in bringing cover to more people and working with an innovative technology partner like iPipeline enables us to provide customers with a seamless digital experience which speeds up the buying process.”

Ian Teague, UK Group Managing Director, iPipeline said: “Our ethos at iPipeline is to better protect clients. MetLife’s introduction of affordable protection with a simple application process – including the provision of instant cover – highlights that sourcing protection is not always a complicated, expensive process.”

Teague added: “Technology has played a contributing factor in helping grow the protection market by making it easier for advisers to address their client’s overall protection needs. However, innovation from providers is key – we’re proud to support MetLife in distributing their unique product, MultiProtect.”

Key benefits of MultiProtect include cover for a range of accidental injuries such as broken bones and for UK hospital stays. Maximum payouts are up to £250 a day for UK hospital stays; £3,750 for broken bones and £250,000 for total permanent disability or £200,000 for accidental death. Customers can take out a policy from age 18 up to their 60th birthday and cover will continue until they reach 70.

1 Independent research carried out by Pollright among a representative sample of 200 financial advisers using an online methodology during August 2018

2 Taken from MetLife internal data, October 2018

About MetLife

The references to “MetLife” are general references to the group as a whole and not to specific entities within the group. MetLife in the UK comprises a number of different companies.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is an Irish insurance company based in Dublin with Dirk Ostijn as Chief Executive Officer. MetLife Europe d.a.c. provides financial products into the UK via its UK branch, of which Dominic Grinstead is the branch manager. Key personnel within MetLife UK are Adrian Matthews, Employee Benefits Director and Jo Elphick, Marketing Director.

MetLife Europe Services Limited is an Irish services company, which distributes MetLife Europe d.a.c.’s products to Independent Financial Advisers via its UK branch.

MetLife Europe d.a.c. (415123) and MetLife Europe Services Limited (472359) are incorporated in Ireland and are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The registered address of both companies is 20 on Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland and the UK branch address for both companies is One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA. Website:

MetLife Europe d.a.c. is affiliated with US-based MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), which through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit

About iPipeline UK

iPipeline UK is a leading provider of business intelligence, e-quote, e-application, policy delivery, and policy holder services to the UK life and pensions market. iPipeline offers the UK’s broadest range of integrated and licensed solutions used by leading providers, distributors, and their IFAs via their Websites or CRM systems. To learn how you can better use iPipeline’s industry-leading solutions to streamline and accelerate your business activities, visit us at

For further information, please contact:
Jo Riddell
Head of Brand and Customer, MetLife
+44 (0) 207 715 2310