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Mental Health Awareness ​Toolkit

Download our “Increasing Awareness about Mental Health” toolkit and get started with your campaign today. 


Mental Health Awareness ​Toolkit

Download our “Increasing Awareness about Mental Health” toolkit and get started with your campaign today. 


Raise awareness about mental health

Mental health is an important part of overall health and well-being. It includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being and affects thoughts, feelings, and actions. Being mentally healthy can promote productivity and success in work, school, parenting, caregiving, and other important aspects of life. ​

Our toolkit, "Increasing Awareness about Mental Health," provides everything you'll need to initiate a mental health campaign at your company that will help employees identify self-care strategies that could improve their mental health and well-being.​

What’s in this toolkit?

Start the conversation among your employees about mental health with:​

  • Campaign objectives​

  • Suggested timeline​

  • Email campaign series​

  • Awareness handouts, lifestyle flyers, and short articles​

  • Campaign launch event ideas​

  • Prize strategy​

  • Employee evaluation​

Download our “Increasing Awareness about Mental Health” toolkit and get started with your campaign today.​